
class ShaderProgram: d2d.core.iverifiable.IVerifiable;
Class for combining shaders to a bindable ShaderProgram.


static ShaderProgram fromVertexFragmentFiles(string vertex, string fragment);
Will directly load the content from vertex and fragment and will create and return a ShaderProgram.

void attach(Shader shader);
Attaches a new shader to the program.

Will call
if necessary.

void link();
Creates the program and binds it.

void bind();
for usage.

int registerUniform(string uniform);
Regsiters a uniform variable in the shader for later setting.

void set(string uniform, int value);

void set(string uniform, float value);

void set(string uniform, vec2 value);

void set(string uniform, vec3 value);

void set(string uniform, vec4 value);

void set(string uniform, mat2 value);

void set(string uniform, mat3 value);

void set(string uniform, mat4 value);

void opIndexAssign(T)(T value, string uniform);

uint id();

@property bool valid();

static ShaderProgram defaultShader;
Regular texture shader.

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