
interface IFont: d2d.core.idisposable.IDisposable, d2d.core.iverifiable.IVerifiable;
Interface for font loaders.

abstract void load(string file, int sizeInPt);
Loads the font from a file. Size may not do anything with bitmap fonts, use IText.scale instead!

abstract IText render(string text, float scale = 1.00000F);
Renders a string to an IText.

abstract IText renderMultiline(string text, float scale = 1.00000F);
Renders a multiline string to an IText.

abstract vec2 measureText(string text, float scale = 1.00000F);
Returns the dimensions of a string with this font.

abstract vec2 measureTextMultiline(string text, float scale = 1.00000F);
Returns the dimensions of a multiline string with this font.

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